Entries by Faye Weiner-Jackson


“Do I really need that?”

There was a ghost at one of my recent closings. Not an actual ghost, but someone who had died 60 years ago was very present at the closing table. When he died, his wife inherited the house and later sold it.  This sounds fairly typical, correct? It was, except that wife had not filed any probate documents related to his death. […]


Who should YOU vote for in 2016?

The sudden death of Antonin Scalia has renewed an important and often overlooked conversation in America about the process of replacing a Justice of the United States Supreme Court. Unfortunately, the debate over whether the current President of the United States (“POTUS”) or his successor will nominate the inheritor of Scalia’s seat has greatly overshadowed […]


From the “REALLY?” File

Not everyone feels merry or bright during the holidays.For everyone who needs a laugh and those who just like to, I offer the following article which will, hopefully, make you smile: The Strangest 50 State Laws That Still Exist. http://www.ijreview.com/2014/12/222618-50-state-laws/ My personal favorite is Georgia; what’s yours? Happy Holidays! North Attleboro Plainville Wrentham Bristol Norfolk Real […]


Giving Thanks!

2015 has been a landmark year of growth for my practice. As we end this month focused on giving thanks, I want to say “Thank You” to some special people.