Entries by Faye Weiner-Jackson

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Why an Owner’s Title Policy?

Do you remember when you closed on your first house (or are you getting ready to do it)? You have 160(ish) pages of documents to sign or initial and then the attorney asks you about an Owner’s Title Policy. You know that you saw the words somewhere on the closing documents and in the letter sent to you by the attorney. Your head is spinning. Why should you buy Title Insurance anyways?

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Top 10 Legal Statistics

Once you reach a certain age, it’s hard not to feel nostalgic about your younger days. Life was so easy and you were invincible. You loved drinking Tab, listening your Guns and Roses cassette, and watching Goonies. Those favorite things often bring us comfort as we are busy “adulting” and moving forward into new adventures. […]

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Edelman. Again.

Yes, Julian Edelman. Again. Rumors are quickly spreading that Julian Edelman is soon going to become a father. Assuming the story is true, he will be soon paying child support. All children are entitled to financial support from their parents regardless of whether their parents were ever married. Although different in each state, all 50 […]

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Can I Keep It?

Thank you to everyone for your amazing feedback on the last newsletter! Since it was sent last week, I have received a handful of questions about how inheritances are divided during a divorce. Inheritances may be subject to division if they are received either before or during the marriage unless there are terms in a […]

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I Want It NOW

Growing up, Ronald Dahl’s Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was one of my favorite books. Charlie was, by far, my favorite character, because of his innocence and wonder; however, Veruca Salt was always the most interesting. Do you remember all of her infamous “I Want It Now” demands? Some of my potential divorce clients remind […]